Margaret's funeral - Sarah's words about her mum

2009 October 01

Created by Andy 8 years ago


Qualities: Mum was a very special person: kind, considerate, loving, generous, warm and interested, she touched many people’s lives:

She had an unconditional generosity and love of people: especially those less fortunate than herself. Her easy manner and welcoming smile made everybody feel comfortable around her. 

Mum especially loved children and this was witnessed on many occasions!! Not only in her profession as a teacher did this show but in every child mum ever met. She would open her arms to all children, but particularly those who were not as fortunate as her children.

Cheerful and happy natured: Mum never complained about her illness just bore it with goodwill – even towards the end and everyone who knew her always remarked on her stoic and cheerful attitude in good times and bad.  Mum has had her fair share of difficulties in her life but she overcame each one and merely became stronger.  Rarely did I witness  mum being sad and I only ever saw her cry a handful of times in my whole life. She thought that the only way to be was to live honestly and appreciate all that we have.

Music : Mum’s love of music and singing was manifested from an early age: when mum was in her early teans she won  a summer contest with her rendition of “I’m forever blowing bubbles” which earned her the nickname “Bubbles” from then on. At secondary school she competed in and won an Eisteddfodd and then at teacher training college she sang in operas. My mum was always singing!!

A music teacher by profession, mum also loved to sing in choirs. she set up a new choir in St Edmund’s, Beckenham which she cajoled me to join and give the choir the dubious benefit of my guitar playing and singing. Later, whilst living in Hightown, she became a member of the Capriole singers and when she moved to Crosby she joined the choir of St Peter and Paul. 

Mum also loved playing the piano and used to play pieces such as The Entertainer to Andy and I, to which we’d dance and urge her to play more!!

Faith: Mum’s faith was very strong. It has been her lifelong companion, there for her through good times and bad.  Mum herself would acknowledge that it was responsible for a lot of her inner strength and it has been her rock throughout her life.
 Whilst she went regularly to Mass and was greatly involved in the Parish activities, it was also through her words and actions outside of church that she showed her religious beliefs: Mum believed in the spirit of the law not just the letter and this showed in how she interpreted certain aspects of the bible such as preferring to turn the other cheek than to take an eye for an eye.

Mum’s consistent generosity of spirit spurred her to do whatever she could to help those who weren’t as fortunate as herself.  Drawing on her own painful experiences mum tried to give back to those who had helped her and to give support and understanding to those who needed it. This she did through her work with MIND, her voluntary visits to patients in hospital, and later on with St. Peter and Paul’s church Bereavement counselling work.
She always had  altruistic tendencies; she was a teenage volunteer for  St John’s ambulance and tought in Africa for 3 years in her desire to do what she could for others.  Later on in life her involvement with Justice and Peace saw her visiting asylum seekers who were held in jail: a treatment of people she found intolerable and had to do something about.

As a mum: she was the best mum I could ever have had.  Her love for Andrew and me was always evident and very strong.  She treated us equally and lovingly. We are caring and loving people because of her. She taught us the most important values which are to be kind to others and not pursue self indulgence – rather gain happiness by helping others and being a genuine and committed member of the human race.  Money and influence were never important to mum (although I know she wouldn’t have turned her nose up at a lottery win!!)
She always believed that love forgiveness and tolerance were the basis for all relationships and she showed this through her own relationships.

LOVE: Mum was one of those lucky people who found her soulmate: Eamonn. He was the true love of her life, the man who allowed her to be herself and loved her completely and genuinely for who she was: as unconditionally as she loved him.  Theirs was the most caring and genuine relationship that there could be. Eamonn, you gave Mum so much love and happiness.  We know it’s not the same but we and Nick and Barney hope you’ll be able to find some happiness with us until you meet mum again.

I will always be grateful for my mum’s love, friendship, and guidance.  She taught me about genuine and unconditional love by showing me that love every day.  She was also a loving and wise grandmother to Barney – she loved him very much.
Her final gift to me was her attendance at my wedding.  She put it down to God’s will: I put it down to her determination to walk me down the aisle and to see me happily married.  Her mother’s love was powerful to the end.